martes, 2 de febrero de 2016


Germany has a powerful economy, it's the largest economy in Europe and the fourth largest in the world.
Its economy is based on the concept of social market economy.
The 70% of the economy is based on the service sector, the 29% on the industry and the 1% it's the primary sector (agriculture, forestry and mining).
Germany is the third biggest exporter in the world, in 2014 it made 1.13 trillion euros.
Germany doesn't have many minerals, but the few they have, they have it with quite a bit of quantity like: iron, salt, uranium, nickel, copper and natural gas. In energy the most they have are fossil fuel, and then they also produce a little of renewable energies, like wind, biomass, hydro, geothermal and solar.


Their economy started with the age of industrialisation. In germany it started like 100 years later than England but it was quite important for Germany because there they started to export and import quite big quantities.
The second phase of their economy started in 1930 when the unemployment in Germany was very high, during those years the Nazi Party came to power and in few years they achived full employment and stabilized their economy. During the following years Germany became very powerful in the hands of the Nazi Party and developed good contacts with powerfull business.
With the lose of the Second World War the german economy came down a lot, because of all their people killed, all the infrastructures and all the money they had to pay to the other countries who won the war.
During the following years the country was in a very deep crisis, and they were gonna need quite a few years to recover their economy.
In the year 2000 Germany recovered 100% and nowadays they are again one of the richest countries in Europe.

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