-Germany is the most populous country in Europe, apart from Russia: the population of germany is about 80 million people, making it the second most populated country in Europe. Russia the only country with more population than germany, it has 110 million people, the 77% of population of all russia it's in a very small area.
-Germany's land extension was over 50% larger during the second world war: nowadays the extension of the whole country, germany, is about 357,021 square metres
-People from Germany are the second biggest consumers of beer in the world, after the Czechs: in Germany they consume 107 litres per person in a year,
-The cathedral in Ulm is the tallest church in the world, with a high of 161'53 metres: also named Ulm Minister, it's a lutheran church. Althought the tourists knows it as the Ulm cathedral, it's really not a cathedral
-The biggest train station in Europe was built in Berlin in 2006: it's the Berlin Central Train Station, in german: Berlin Hauptbahnhof
-Germany is the second biggest producer of motor vehicle in the world, behind Japan: producing motor vehicles is one of the industries that gives more jobs to the people resident in Germany (747000 jobs).
-There are over 300 types of bread in Germany and there are also lots of bread museums: the most famous type of bread made in Germany is the pretzel, that's like a crusty bread, made ina a shipe of a bow, with some salt on top of it, and the Germans sell this bread at anywhere and at anytime.
-The Cologne cathedral took over 632 years to build: this cathedral was started to build in 1248 and was unfinished in 1473, In the 19th century it was again started to build and they finished in the same century
-There are over 150 castles in germany: this fact gives germany quite a lot of things, like: quite a few tourists come to germany just to see these famous castles, and it also creates quite a lot of places to work. This makes german economy to go up, but of course it's also quite expensive to maintaine the castles. Some of the most popular castles are:
-Berlin is nine times bigger than Paris: Berlin is the second most populous city in Germany with a population of 3.5 million people and has an extens of 891'8 square killometre
Paris,being the most populous city in France, has a population of 2.24 million people and has an extens of 105 square killometre.