viernes, 18 de septiembre de 2015



Germans like a lot to eat and prepare lots of different and delicious meals, but they also love deserts. They've got lots of different and typical german desserts, that they are the only ones that do it and we can't see these desserts in any other place in the whole world. Here there are some examples: 


The apflestrudle in german, also known as applestrudle in english is a typical german dessert, its basely made of a thin roll like pastry or sometimes puff pastry. then you have to put in the middle some apple pottery you can also put some raisins, cinnamon and sugar.
While you cook it in the oven some people put ron to give it more taste.
When you put in a bowl to eat you have to add some cream and also nuts and you can eat it.


A Berliner Pfannkuchen is a traditional german pastry, it seems like a doughnut and it's made like it, with some yeast dough fried with lots of oil, but it doesn't have the enourmous hole in the middle of it, instead it's filled with some type of marmalade or jam (strawberry, peach, orange...) or maybe some chocolate or advocaat or anything. Also you put some powdered sugar.


This is a typical german dessert, it's like a cheese cake.
To make this cake you have to put some german cheese (quark) and then add some cream, Then when you have done the crust and put all the cheese and cream on top you have to bake it in an oven a few minutes, and it's done.


This typical german dessert eaten in Germany and Denmark, it's put in sale mostly at Christmas time.
To do this dessert you have to put in a pot different types of fruit, rum (alcohol) and quite alot of sugar, then it has to be left to mature some months, until the fruit is soft. Not all the fruits are good to put in the rumtopf, but some good fruits are: berries, cherries and apricots. The rum has o be (50 to 55 % alcohol).
Typically you start to prepaere this dessert in spring, you put all the ingredients it needs, plus the fruit in season that can go with the dessert,  then you put it in a cool place where it will be for half a year or a little bit more, during the months that will pass you can add some other fruit while the the seasen of the fruits come past.

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