lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2015



The german education system is one of the best in Europe but it's also quite different from the other ones.
This education system is made for all type of students, more inteligent or less, and also it doesn't matter if they are poor or rich because it's all free, the state pays it.

So the german state education system is divided in different sections:

+The first section is the same for everyone until they age 10:

    +KINDERGARETEN: children fom 3 to 5 have attend to kindergarten, during kindergarten they get used to school and start to know different kids. They don't do much of studying because they are very little

    +ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Grundschule): childrem from 6 to 10, have to attend to elementary school, and they are put in the same school all the children that live nearby, but when they get to 4th grade, 10 years, they do an exam that will separate them in differnet schools depending in their intelectual level and effort they put in school.

-The second section they split the children in different groups depending in their intelectual level and the wishes of their family:

    -GYMNASIUM: The ones that go to the gymnasium, get a diploma called Abitur. They also prepare you to go to university or dual academic and vocational credential. They usually do these subjects: german, mathematics, computer science, phisycs, chemistry, biology, geography, art, music, history, philosophy, civics, social studies and also some foreign languages.You get the Abitur at the 12th or 13th grade depending were you live.

    -REALSCHULE: They study from grades 5-10. They go to part-time vocational schools and higher vocational schools. In the 21 century it's now possible to go from the realschule to the gymnasium if you work hard.

    -HAUPTSCHULE: They do the same subjects as realschule and gymnasium, they do the classes slower and also they do some vocational oriented courses.They study until they are 18 years old.

    -GESAMTSCHULE: It's a mix of the Realschule and the Hauptschule, they learn things from the two schools from the 5th grade to the 10th grade. If you leave school in the 9th grade you get the Hauptschule degree and if you leave in the 10th grade you get the Realschule degree

    -BERUFFSCHULE: This combines academic study with apprenticeship. In these school you get a degree in a particular work or trade.
But in these school like all the others you have to do minimum 9 years of education.

-There is also a third section for children who need special needs:

    -SONDERSCHULE or SONDERSCHULE: these are schools for children with special needs.

There are also private schools that function more a less like state schools, but they can offer different courses in the same sections as the state school. In the section of the private schools there are also some other ones that are religious, protestant and catholic.

After they finish all the years in one school or another depending where they had to go, they can go to University:
   -There is the normal one where you go to University during six years, but after some changes the state said you can get the higher education degree studing only for four years.

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